

Aarhus: EGC


Hub Manager: Rasmus LT Hedegaard


Tel: +45 6172 6771

LinkedIn: Rasmus LT Hedegaard




Project leader and generalist, graduate of Copenhagen University. Work experience in Denmark and EU. Expertise in the fields of Qualitative Inquiries, Citizen Engagement, Communication, Gender Aspects and Gender Equality. Skilled in Project Analysis, Project Leadership, and Dissemination.

Regional Hub service portfolio

  • Market research

  • Business planning

  • Finance support

  • Mentoring

  • Networking

  • Technical Support and consulting

Country Hub main statistics

Gender equality index by domain in Denmark


gender equality index by domain in Greece

Financial Framework

Tax regulation mechanism

Tax regulation mechanism

PROGRAMME Tax regulation mechanism
TYPE OF INSTRUMENT State regulation mechanism
OBJECTIVE AND SUPPORTED ACTIONS Heating from renewable sources is exempt from these taxes. Companies producing, processing, possessing, receiving, or dispatching renewable energy products are exempt from paying tax.

IN Denmark, different taxes are levied on the production, processing, possesion, receipt, and dispatch of fossil fuels for heating purposes, for example the energy tax on mineral oil products, taxes on coal, lignite and coke or the carbon dioxide tax on certain energy products. Renewable energy sources are exempt from these taxes, as they are not classed as taxable in the specific regulations.

The amount of tax relief is equal to the tax rate entitled persons are exempt from.

TECHNOLOGIES COVERED Geothermal, soral thermal, biomass, district heating and cooling, heat pump,

thermal energy storage, cogeneration

BENEFICIARIES d-cap and large companies
RESOURCES The costs of the tax reliefs are borne by the state

Financial risk coverage in connection with geothermal drilling

PROGRAMME Financial risk coverage in connection with geothermal drilling
TYPE OF INSTRUMENT Financial scheme supported by the state
OBJECTIVE AND SUPPORTED ACTIONS Denmark has extensive geothermal resources, which in the future could meet a large share of Denmark’s heating consumption needs with clean energy. The Energy Agreement promotes the adoption of new green solutions and technologies, including geothermal heat. The modernisation of the heating sector will help open the heating market for new technologies in collective heat production, thus providing the opportunity to increase the share of RE technologies (e.g. geothermal heat) in central areas. The reduced electrical heating tax will also make the use of heat pumps to extract geothermal heat considerably cheaper.

The scheme providing financial risk coverage in connection with geothermal drilling was introduced in 2017. The scheme provides the option of limiting financial risk in connection with geothermal drilling. Companies with geothermal permits can also apply for coverage by the scheme, which they must pay for themselves. The scheme will be extended until the end of 2024. The parties agree to conduct an analysis of geothermal heat under the new framework to ensure that subsidy conditions are competitive with biomass in heat production.

TECHNOLOGIES COVERED Geothermal and district heating and cooling
BENEFICIARIES Mid-cap and large companies

Danish Green Investment Fund

Danish Green Investment Fund

PROGRAMME Danish Green Investment Fund
OBJECTIVE AND SUPPORTED ACTIONS The Danish Green Investment Fund (GIF) is an independent state fund for co-financing economically viable projects that facilitate and support sustainable development in the country. Privately-held companies, non-profit housing associations, and public-sector companies and institutions (with budgets separate from the municipalities, regions and the state) can apply for a loan from the fund.

The fund was established as part of the 2014 ‘Et Grønnere Danmark’ (A Greener Denmark) programme which seeks to bridge the gap between traditional bank financing and equity capital. The individual loans have a maximum maturity of 30 years, and the fund is generally able to finance up to 60% of the total costs associated with the given project.

TECHNOLOGIES COVERED Geothermal, soral thermal, biomass, district heating and cooling, heat pump, thermal energy storage and integrated solutions
BENEFICIARIES University, research centre, public authorities, start-up, SME, mid-cap company, large company, NGO
RESOURCES The fund was established as part of the agreement “Et Grønnere Danmark”

(“A Greener Denmark”) from 2014 and has a net capital of up to DKK 200 million as well as a state guaranteed lending limit of up to DKK 5 billion in capital to co-finance projects.

TIMEFRAME 2014-ongoing

Danish Eco-Innovation Programme (MUDP)

PROGRAMME Danish Eco-Innovation Programme (MUDP)
TYPE OF INSTRUMENT Public funded scheme
OBJECTIVE AND SUPPORTED ACTIONS MUDP is a public-funded scheme with a general focus on water, climate change adaptation, circular economy and recycling of waste, cleaner air, noise pollution, hazardous chemicals, industrial environmental performance, and ecological and sustainable construction.

-The initiatives on eco-innovation include three main activities:

-Development, testing, and demonstration of eco-efficient technology (subsidy scheme)

-Environmental cooperation and green exports

-Partnerships for eco-innovation

The subsidy scheme targets Danish companies (private and public); stakeholders; and institutions working with environmental technology.

TECHNOLOGIES COVERED Geothermal, solar thermal, biomass and integrated solutions
BENEFICIARIES University, research centre, public authorities, start-up, SME, mid-cap company, large company, NGO
RESOURCES The budget in 2018 is approximately 86 million DKK (€11m)
TIMEFRAME 2007-ongoing

Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP)

PROGRAMME Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP)
TYPE OF INSTRUMENT Funding or grants
OBJECTIVE AND SUPPORTED ACTIONS The objective of the EUDP is to create growth and jobs, increase the security of supply, and contribute to the green transition that will make Denmark independent of fossil energy by 2050.

Support to develop and demonstrate new energy technologies.

TECHNOLOGIES COVERED Geothermal, soral thermal, biomass, district heating and cooling and heat pump.

The program supports a wide spectrum of energy technologies, i.e. renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency technologies, conversion technologies such as fuel cells and hydrogen, integration of energy systems including storage, more efficient methods for recovery of oil and gas and storage of CO2.

BENEFICIARIES Private companies and universities

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